Children are Welcome at Holy Trinity

Here at Holy Trinity we welcome babies, children and young people to all our services. We believe that they have the same need to worship as adults do. We have additionally special services for children. 



On the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:00 am we have a short service for young families.


Messy Easter and Messy Christmas

Next events - Messy Christmas - Sunday 1st December 2019,
                          Lane End Village Hall 2:30pm - 5:00pm
                          Messy Easter - Saturday 12th April 2010
                          Lane End Village Hall 10:00am - 12:00pm
Join us for a fun new way of doing church for all the family - Messy Christmas and Messy Easter! Suitable for all ages - everyone welcome! No need to book. Find & join us on Facebook, search for Lane End Messy Church! Click the Messy Church logo on the right for further information.

