Meet the People
Those involved in ministering to the people of Lane End include our incumbent, lay ministers, churchwardens, and many other officials of the parish. However, we never forget that we are all called to serve and love our neighbour as we love God (Matthew 22.37,38).
The Ministry Team
- Team Rector : Rev Mark Ackford (day off Monday)
- Priest : Rev Philip Smith - Missional Team Vicar (House of Duty) (day off Wednesday)
- Licensed Lay Minister : Mrs Judy Taylor
- Churchwarden : Mr Bob Nix
- Churchwarden Emeritus : Mr Bryan Edgley MBE
Church Officials
- HTDCC Chairman : Mr Bob Nix
- HTDCC Vice Chairman : Rev Mark Ackford
- HTDCC Secretary : Miss Sheila Keatinge
- HTDCC Hon Treasurer : Mr Ian Sparrowhawk
- Assistant Treasurer : Mrs Marion Keates
- Gift-Aid Co-ordinator : Mr Bob Nix
- Electoral Roll Officer : Mrs Marion Keates
- Chairman Social Committee : Miss Sheila Keatinge
- Safeguarding Officer : Revd. Mark Ackford
- Accounts Inspector : Mrs Wendy Kingon FCA
- Organist : Mr Mike Jacobs
- Team Administrative Officer : Clare Bantick
- Representitives on the PCC, South Chiltern Benefice : Mr Bob Nix, Mrs Judy Taylor, Mrs Marion Keates, Mr Ian Sparrowhawk, Mrs Jo Donachie
- Synod representatives : Mrs Jo Donachie, Mr Bob Nix
Committees and Groups
- Choir : Miss Sheila Keatinge
- Messy Church & Youth Rep : Mrs Helen Vincent
- Methodist Coffee Stop : Mrs Rosemary Davies
- Mission and Social Responsibilty : Mrs Judy Taylor
- Pastoral Visitors : Mrs Judy Taylor, Mrs Barbara Ewing
- Planned Giving : Mr Ian Sparrowhawk
- Social Committee : Miss Sheila Keatinge
- St Mary's Guild : Mrs Pauline Cavell-Northam
- Theatre Group : Mr John Trett
- Tower Captain : Ms Susannah Clemments
- Web Management : Mr John Trett
- Whist Drive : Miss Sheila Keatinge
- Wives Group : Miss Sheila Keatinge