
A warm welcome awaits you at Holy Trinity. See "This Week's Notices" for details of Services in the coming week.

You will be made very welcome at any of these Services - if you are coming for the first time, make yourself known to a member of the clergy or one of the welcomers. Children and babies are welcome at all Services. The Jump4Joy Worship on the second Sunday of each month is particularly suited for children and young families.

We have a Team Rector living in Stokenchurch and a Vicar living in Lane End. We hope to restore our services soon as lockdown is eased. We hope to have a communion service available every Sunday. Evensong will be advised when a priest is available.

Usual Sunday Services

1st Sunday of Month

  • 09.15 am Parish Communion - Common Worship

2nd Sunday of Month

  • 10.00 am Jump4Joy - ½ hour service especially for children and young families

3rd Sunday of Month

  • 09.15 am Parish Commumion - Common Worship

4th Sunday of Month

  • 09.15 am Parish Communion - Common Worship

5th Sunday of Month

  • 09.30 am United Benefice Service of Holy Communion alternating within the group.

Mid-week Service


Refreshments are served at the rear of the church after all 9:15am Sunday Services

To discuss arrangements for Baptism (Christenings) and Weddings and Funerals, see quick links to the right of this page.